
Hello and welcome! I’m Amy Hartle, and I’m the Catholic convert and Mom behind An Everlasting Love.

Over the past several years, I’ve find myself returning to the beliefs I grew up with: faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Although my beliefs look somewhat different now than they did in my teen years, I feel like I’m closer to God than I’ve ever been, and a big part of that discovery has been through my marriage and family.

When I married my husband Nathan, I realized just how deeply I could love another person. To me, if that kind of love exists, I cannot help but believe that God exists. That kind of love couldn’t just be an accident. This only expanded when I became a Mom and discovered the miracle of love that is our son.

Not only that, but I’ve come to learn more and more that God IS Love. Not only has he given it to us as a gift but he is the embodiment of Love itself, particularly in His sacrifice on the cross. We love, because he first loved us.

Whenever I start to have doubts, I focus on the love of Jesus. I think that’s the most integral part of Christianity and that is the one that’s easy to miss. But Jesus says he has loved us with an everlasting love. I take immense comfort in that and it’s something I want to pattern my own life on and that of my family.

If you want to learn to do the same, you’re in a good place. Thanks for being here!